Thursday, March 13, 2008

An Old Soul

In the Hindu religion an "old soul" is someone who has been reincarnated many times and has a wisdom beyond their years. There must have been Hindus in Yunnan Province because LiLi is definitely an old soul. She sees things beyond her years. ..Pam's cousin, David, is getting married and LiLi is going to be a flower girl. Today a package arrived from Pam's mom.. LiLi looked at it and said " It must be earrings for the wedding" And you know what ? It was ...How did she know to even think that at 3 years and four months.

Later she started playing with the computer and said she was going to find her favorite song...not really possible . She did however bring up a program with music on it . She said "Mommy, Daddy you dance" We did a little and then we said "Do you want to dance, Lili? "No, you two go ahead" Was that a three year old talking?

One day at the office she looked at a picture of Cesar Chavez on the wall and said "that man is from Mexico" old soul.

Someone asked if she was from China..she said " I'm a little bit from China but mostly I'm from here" old soul.

Pam had a migrane ..LiLi said 'let me kiss your head and make it feel better" an old soul

We were playing a game thowing the ball to each other on the floor and counting ... One, two, three..then uno, dos, tres (LiLi can count to eleven in Spanish) then LiLi switched to what she said was Chinese to count ..She had the tones down perfectly.

If she wants to stand on a chair or use a pair of blunt scissors..before you say anything she says "I be careful"

The thing that impressed me most was the other day I came home... down, feeling sorry for myself and muttered aloud "no one loves me". LiLi was playing right next to me ..without even looking up she said "I love you BaBa".

You could have knocked me over with a old soul