Thursday, June 22, 2006

Telephones and Bellybuttons

LiLi has learned to use the tv remote. If she doesn't like the channel she pushes buttons until she finds the one that makes the channel change. She has been doing this for a couple of days. This morning she held the remote up to her ear like a phone and said Wai--hello. The she punched a bunch of numbers on the remote and held it to her ear again and started talking.

She likes bellybuttons. She pulled up her shirt and was looking at hers and started giggling. Then she pulled up my shirt to look at my bellybutton.

All the wait staff at the hotel gather and around her and talk to her and giggle when she responds. Our two social workers Echo and Mary seems to love her . They talk to her in Chinese and the three of them giggle and smile

Sometimes LiLi sings a soft song . We don't know what it is. She likes books. She likes to flip the pages like a deck of cards. She found a pen and pretended to write in the book.

Today is our last day in Kunming. Last night we sat in an beautiful outdoor restaurant by the side of a lake and ate dinner. Of course the waitresses loved LiLi. We have enjoyed Kunming but look forward to Guangzhou where buying things for LiLil will be easier. Next blog from the White Swan Hotel.

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